novmbr rain

so much things happen after turning 28...

my parents eventually sit me asking who and when? june was really fucked up. crying a lot. 

but thank god there's other thing to think about. my brother getting married on his birthday. sadly corona hitting hard. just 5 days before our flight the gov release new travel regulations. we, travelers, must submit vaccine certificate and pcr test. vaccine was still rare in our city and pcr was sooooooooooooooo expensive. more expensive than flight ticket. duck. it was so dramatic. blood, sweat, tears come down for the sake of my brother's wedding. at the end we manage to make it.

it was beyond my expectation like I think I'll be depressed or what but it was fun I'm so happy for my brother. and people are no harsh on me like things I'm fear of is their judgement. but let them judge on their own aja deh. karena udah pasti diomongin di belakang. selama ga ngomong depan gue I'm okay.

going home from Padang we took 2 days bus cos we can't afford PCR anymore. 1 million/pax was too much. five days after got home I got fever and flu. day 6 I got anosmia. day 7 I got tested and it turned out positive wow surprise I'm crying so much. jadi sepulang dari Padang, paginya aku masuk kerja dan membatin "sabar capenya ditahan dulu habis ini istirahat lama" beneran kejadian istirahat lama karena harus karantina 14 hari. after day 14th I didn't fully recovered. still had anosmia and cough. but my task awaited. ya udah datang bawa hasil test negatif antigen aja lalu mengejar deadline. july was T____T

I skipped 2nd dose of vaccine due to regulations. and I landed to august with new management in the office like boom???! it was all changed drastically I can't even get it. but at the end I had to accept it gelem ora gelem kepriwe maning yambok? adapting to new management when your health isn't recovered yet was amazing??

september's fine... no. another thing to think about. since I promised my parents on june that I'll take a step in october, they keep asking me. like a debitor they collecting me. sumpah sampe males banget pulang ke rumah karena takut ditanyain terus. aku juga takut kali kalo ga jadi but please jangan tanya terus aku anxious.

then october eventually come and it happened. something I promised to my parents. lega akhirnyaaa.

november another headache come lololol need some fresh moneyyyyy ah... gue berdoa setiap hari supaya hati bos gue dan para atasan terbuka dan mulai mempertimbangkan untuk menaikkan gaji gue T___T 

+november hujan tiap sore huf


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